*************** Vahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa! Vahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh! ***************
*************** ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਿਹ ***************
Sri Granth is a Sri Guru Granth Sahib search engine and resource.
It is important to note that many individuals have contributed to the making of srigurugranth.org, and that
all work was completely original and done free of cost.
This herculean project has required many countless hours of service and a sincere sense of dedication on
the part of a number of persons. The important contributions of individuals who have made it possible to accomplish this are recognized below.
Please send feedback to drksthind@yahoo.com
Sardar Jasjeet Singh Thind
Jasjeet conceptualized and created this website, Sri Granth, which is a Sri Guru Granth Sahib search engine and resource, by using the base data that is in great part is taken from the Gurbani-CD.
Jasjeet's goal has been to provide an easy-to-use tool and interface that allows people to learn about Gurbani with utmost ease. He started the 1st edition of the site in June, 2000; and released the 2nd edition on Guru Nanak's Parkash Ustav (Birth) day in November, 2005. The updated new site includes a re-design of a brand new user interface, and features such as mouse-over of meanings of Guru Granth Sahib words, faster search, and Gurmukhi and Transliteration spell-checker for advising the correct words when one types an incorrect word for a search query. Jasjeet also has created Punjab Online, a resource on Punjab, and Sri Dasam, a search engine and resource for the Sri Dasam Granth.
Dr. Kulbir Thind, MD
Most of the Gurbani related data for Sri Granth was taken from the Gurbani-CD, created by Dr. Thind, the father of Jasjeet Thind. Data from Gurbani-CD has been used by many others for website and other projects (and many such websites and projects do not acknowledge this fact).
Dr. Thind's contributions regarding Gurbani have been recognized by SGPC, Amritsar and many other organizations. Dr. Thind has spearheaded the development of Gurbani-CD project that led to the computerization of text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and over time, by his efforts, accuracy of text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib has been brought closer to a level of perfection. Dr. Thind has developed databases relating to Sri Guru Granth Sahib, for the use of Gurbani text on the internet and on the computer and then he developed many other specialized files of Sri Guru Granth Sahib text for the help of Sikh scholars. He also converted Sri Guru Granth Sahib files to Devnagri (Hindi) and did phonetic transliteration of text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. He also organized sentence by sentence translation & phonetic transliteration of Sri Guru Granth along with Gurmukhi as well as Devnagri (Hindi), for use on the Internet and computer. He also created specialized files to allow easy searching and printing of Gurbani Kirtan. Dr. Thind has contributed to the making of web pages over many sites regarding Sri Guru Granth Sahib translation and phonetic transliteration. Dr. Thind has also made the translation text of Bhai Manmohan Singh available on the Internet in a true sentence by sentence format (something that has never been done before, and doing so has been quite labor intensive). Thus this translation has been adapted for use on srigurugranth.org by Dr. Thind. He has also converted Gurbani related files into Unicode text based on the international standard. He also maintains https://www.gurbanifiles.net/ web-site that makes Gurbani-CD files available for downloading. The details of file types of Gurbani created by him are available on this site (the list of files is very large).
The contributions of dedicated individuals who helped him in all this are also listed at this site. Dr. Thind has also has been collaborating with many other individuals in helping them work on Gurbani related projects.
Sardar Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD
His English translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the most commonly used on the internet and computers as it is freely available and uses contemporary language that is well suited for the western audience. His translation, in fact, has become a standard for the Internet. Dr. Khalsa's years of hard work and proficient literary ability has done wonders in providing more people access to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. His English translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib has been used on srigurugranth.org since its very inception and continues to be used as the default English translation.
Sardar Bhai Baljinder Singh
The data of Mahan Kosh, the Encyclopedia by Kahan Singh Nabha and Frid Kot Wala Teeka is provided by Bhai Baljinder Singh (Rara Sahib), 16914 Lassen Street, Northridge, CA 91343, USA. Bhai Baljinder is solely reponsible getting the text of MahanKosh and Frid Kot Wala Teeka typed into the computer and in getting their accuracy brought closer to perfection and in making dabases of these files. He has also provided Gurmukhi text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib with inserted punctuation marks, which is used for easy reading and understanding of Gurbani. The punctuations are helpful and are often used in the Teekas and are thus made available on srigurugranth.org as an option. Freed Kot Wala Teeka is the earliest Gurmukhi Teeka (commentary/explanation in Gurmukhi) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, and thus is an important option on srigurugranth.org. (The Farid Kot Wala Teeka was originally prepared under the patronage of the princely ruler of the state Faridkot (in Punjab, India), by a number of Sikh scholars/pundits of the time). Bhai Baljinder Singh preaches the teachings of Sikhism all over the world, as expounded by Sant Isher Singh ji. He has been working for years to make the Gurbani, Sikhism, and Sikh History resources available for use on the computer. Among his projects is a Gurbani Search Software named Isher Micromedia Software, which searches text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Granth Sahib and Vaars/Kabits by Bhai Gurdas ji. Similar software (App) is also available for iOS sevices (iPhone & iPad) and also for android devices (phone and tablets). The App for android devices is named as "Gurbani Explorer" and for iOS devices "Isher Micromedia". His work has also been recognized by SGPC, Amritsar. Bhai Baljinder Singh maintains a website ik13.com that provides many resources regarding Sikhism.
Late Dr. Gurcharan Singh, Ph.D
Late Dr. Gurcharan Singh had working on Gurbani related projects under the
patronage of Prof. Sahib Singh Gurmat Trust, Patiala, since retirement from Punjabi University Patiala many years ago. Many other scholars also worked with him under his guidance. Regarding computer related projects on Sikhism, he has made a major contribution by making a Kosh (Punjabi to Punjabi dictionary) as well as Tuk Tatkara of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The Sri Guru Granth sahib Kosh by Dr. Gurcharan Singh is published by Punjabi University, Patiala. He also worked on spearheading the digitization of many available old manuscripts of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Dr. Gurcharan Singh's contributions have also been recognized by SGPC, Amritsar and many other organizations. Dr. Gurcharan Singh's Kosh is a monumental work, and parts of it are used in the Gurbani to Gurmukhi dictionary on srigurugranth.org.
NOTE: Due to the internal structure of Kosh by Dr. Gurcharan Singh, it has not been easy to adapt it for use on the internet as an easy to search dictionary. Dr. Thind has been able to adapt parts of it for such use but that led to an incomplete Gurbani-dictionary. Thus Dr. Thind completed the rest of the work to make it a complete document. The dictionary part from Oorhaa to Khakhaa, as used on srigurugranth.org is completely by Dr. Thind and the rest of the dictionary has more words by Dr. Gurcharan Singh, Ph.D.
Late Sardar Jaswant Singh & Jagjit Singh Kerwal
Original typing of Gurmukhi text of Sri Guru Granth Sahib was done by these individuals with some help from others. The bulk of the typing was by S. Jaswant Singh. Many other individuals contributed to the correction of the text and thus in the making of the final product. S. Jaswant Singh had in-depth knowledge of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, including its internal structure and Raags. He thus was a valuable resource for Dr. Thind in the making of Gurbani-CD and Gurbani data bases.
Late Sardar Dr. Kulwant Singh Khokhar
Late Dr. Kulwant Singh Khokhar, an Ophthalmologist and a Sikh studies scholar and a writer of many books on Sikhism. He provided main help in correcting spelling errors of the typed text relating to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. He did a commendable job of 'full proof-reading' of the whole of Siri Guru Granth Sahib files, twice. He also compiled a list of the specialized characters found in Sri Guru Granth Sahib (that are not used in modern Punjabi).
Sardar Harjinder Singh Gill
The data of English to Punjabi Gurbani dictionary is provided by Harjinder Singh Gill of Santa Monica, CA, USA. His enthusiasm is very infectious. This is just a beginning of his contributions regrading Gurbani to srigurugranth.org.
Sardar Avtar Singh Dhami
The typing work of the Teeka of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Professor Sahib Singh, that is made available on srigurugranth.org. was spearheaded by Avtar Singh Dhami of Union City, California, USA, and all expanses of typing were paid by him. It was Dhami's enthusiasm that led to the computerization of this teeka which was then made available on the internet at https://www.gurugranthdarpan.net. Dr. Thind formatted the text of Teeka by Professor Sahib Singh to improve the use of text on the computer and for the Internet. The Teeka by Professor Sahib Singh has been further adapted for use on srigurugranth.org in a sentence by sentence format. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Teeka by Professor Sahib Singh in the printed form is a ten volume commentary/translation with explanation in Punjabi on Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This was originally published during 1962-64. The work is collectively known as Guru Granth Darpan (darpan = exposition). This is by far the most fundamental and scholarly work of its kind.
Sardar Avtar Singh Gahir and Dr. Baxish Singh Balam provided valuable help to Dr. Thind for extracting many Gurbani dictionary words from Guru Granth Darpan.